pcb portal stage faq

Questions and Answers

Answers to common questions

General Information

Online, Offline, Pool and Non-Pool

Printed circuit boards that you configure and order online are manufactured at particularly low cost. Due to the standardized online processing, certain technical specifications apply.

If you have your own specifications or requirements please contact us. We will be happy to coordinate your individual offer together.


What applies to online configured PCBs and what does "Best Price" (Pool) and "More Technology" (Non-Pool) mean?

Pool / Best Price: We combine a lot of orders for different boards into a single production step and manufacture them "together." This way we can use our panels to capacity. We gladly pass on the resulting cost savings to you!

WEdirekt produces all Best Price (Pool) circuit boards according to IPC A 600 Class 2. 

Non-Pool / More Technology: If you select the "More Technology" option in the circuit board configurator, it is not possible to combine your order with other orders for production. Such an order will then be produced as a single order (Non-Pool).

WEdirekt produces all "More Technology" circuit boards based on IPC A 600 Class 2.

​​​​​​With the help of our Data Reader function, we can read the most important circuit board parameters from your layout data:

  • Number of copper layers and smallest structure sizes
  • Size of the board
  • Soldermask (two- or one-sided or without)
  • Silkscreen (two- or one-sided or without)
  • Smallest Via
  • Blind Vias / Buried Vias

Information that are independent of the layout, such as material thickness, delivery panel design, some of the special technologies or even quantity and delivery time, must still be selected manually.

The information can then be transferred to our configurator with one click. There, the feasibility of the identified features is checked against our technical rules. Please check whether all parameters have been adopted as desired and can therefore be manufactured.

More information are available here.

My PCB – how it works

„My PCB“ offers the possibility to save individual PCB configurations. Thus, you are able to define basic settings within the PCB configurator. There is no limit – generate as many “My PCB” configurations as you need.

Please login to use the “My PCB” feature in its entirety.

After the login, you have different options:

  • Save a New Configuration

Fulfill the PCB configuration as usual. Choose the options you want save as a basic setting.

Within the last tab of the configuration, you are able to assign an unique name for your configuration.

To save the basic setting, just click at „Save My PCB configuration“. Now the configuration is saved in your account and you can select it fast and easily for future orders.


  • Select an Existing Configuration

Start the PCB configuration after your login. Already the first tab shows the part „Load My PCB“. Just select the basic setting you want to load.

The saved configuration will be immediately loaded. Of course you are able to change everything according your current demand.


  • Change an Existing Configuration

One parameter should change? No matter! After the login, you have two options to change an existing configuration.

Option 1 – through the configurator:

Choose the „My PCB“ configuration you’ll like to overwrite and change the parameters you like to update. In the last step of the configuration, you’ll find the “My PCB” configuration preset:

With click on „Save My PCB configuration“ the existing basic setting will be overwritten by the new configuration.


Option 2 – through your account:

If you are logged in, you will see the navigation term „My PCB” on the left side. There you can find all your saved configurations. The edit button will guide you to the configurator. Then just follow option 1 from this description to change the configuration.

To admin all of your „My PCB“ configurations:

In your personal account you’ll find the option „My PCB“ in the left navigation. There you can start an order out of a saved configuration. Alternatively, you can edit/delete existing configurations.

Account Grouping

You are not the only owner of a WEdirekt account within your company? Your colleagues also have their own accounts? That’s useful, because you’re able to place your orders independently from each other.

But sometimes it’s necessary to revert to a project from a colleague. Especially during the holiday period.

Let us show you how to display and reorder every PCB from your company:

Step 1

Please send us a short email. We will manually activate the account grouping. This guarantees the maximum protection of your data.

Step 2

Once the grouping has been unlocked we will inform you by email about the successful activation.

Step 3

As soon as you and your colleagues are logged in, you will find a new entry in your account: “My company orders”.


That’s it! From now on you can see and reorder every order within your company.


The Wishlist

The Wishlist ("save for later”) application is used to calculate PCB quotations which can be stored for future orders. With this application, a quotation can be stored with or without data files.


Save PCB with/without data

If you already have an account with us, please login with your user credentials. If not, you can create an account within a matter of minutes under "Login / Register". The “Wishlist” application can only be used by registered customers.

  • Calculate your desired circuit board in the PCB shop.
  • After entering the PCB specification in the price calculator, click "continue to upload" and select the data attachment. Finally, click on "Upload file and save for later". This will save the configuration including data under your account.
  • To view the configuration at a later date, log in to your personal account and click on "Saved for later". Here you will find all PCB quotations stored by you.
  • By clicking on "+ Cart" you will move the PCB to your shopping basket where you can continue the order process as per usual.

Can I order only online?

Of course you can also choose the classical ordering method. If you can’t trigger an online order, you can order also by fax or mail.

Therefore we need your order form, the layout data and all information to the pcb. Please create for the pcb information an online offer on our website and send this also to us. Thus we have all the necessary information to start you order and we can avoid time-delays because of queries. You can use the info@wedirekt.de and the fax number +49 (0) 7940 / 946 550240. Please note that orders which are not placed online, are also based on our specifications and general terms and conditions.

I'm not allowed to place an online order by myself, what do you recommend?

We know that your internal company guidelines may impose a specific approach. With this in mind, we have arranged procedures to optimally integrate WEdirekt orders into your in-house processes.

  • You place your order yourself, but you don't have your internal reference number when you place your order. Our recommendation!
  • You want to place your order yourself, but you have to aks for your internal reference number first. Our recommendation!
  • Only your purchasing department is allowed to place an order. Our recommendation!

What must I do to ensure my internal order number appears on the delivery note and invoice?

Please enter your internal order number into the field “Your reference”. The relevant field is situated in the header area of the configurator. When this is done, your order number will be included in all correspond-ence, as well as delivery slips and invoices.

Can I also submit our internal order number later?

Of course – and please see our proposal here, which simply involves ordering the required goods yourself online via WEdirekt. Proceed initially without specifying your internal order number. Subsequently, we will issue you with an order confirmation, which you can then communicate to your colleagues in the purchasing department. Based on the details in the e-mail, these colleagues will then be able to initiate the internal order.

There are actually two ways of informing us of this order number at a later stage. Firstly, your purchasing division can send us the official order either by fax or e-mail. In the order, please indicate that the infor-mation relates to a current order. Secondly, you can also send us an informal e-mail, which should include the number in your order. In both cases, we will then ensure this number is specified in the “Your reference” field. Accordingly, the order number will then appear on every document you subsequently receive from us.

Cancellation of an order

If we did not work on your order yet, a cancellation is always possible without any costs. Furthermore it’s important which kind of board you’ve ordered ("Best Price" or "More Technology").

If you have ordered a "Best Price" board: if the data check is already done, we are able to cancel the order but have to bill a cancellation fee of 30,00 Euro. If the board is already in production a cancellation is not possible anymore. Because in this case we have combined your board with other orders and manufactured them together, so we cannot stop the production.

If you have ordered a "More Technology" board: we can’t give you a flat rate cancellation fee for a Non-Pooling board. We work individually on your Non-Pool board, so the cancellation fee depends on the production progress of your PCB. Generally we can stop a Non-Pool board at any time, cause the board is not combined with other orders. If you want to delete your Non-Pool order, please give us a call or send us a mail. Than we can stop the job and determine the cancellation fee. Than you can decide if a cancellation makes sense in relation to the costs. But please note, that a short stop can lead to a delivery delay if you advise us to continue working on the job.

What do I have to consider regarding the delivery time?

If your order takes place before 9 am (7 am for 2 working days), this day will count as day 1 of the production time. Please consider the German time.

Example 1: If your order takes place on Monday before 9 am with a delivery time of 4 working days, we will dispatch your order on Thursday.

Example 2: If your order takes place on Monday after 9 am with a delivery time of 4 working days, we will dispatch your order on Friday.

Please kindly note that weekends and holidays cannot be counted as working days.

Do you deliver to packing stations as well?

Unfortunately, shipping to a packing station is not possible.

Which payment options are available?

Commercial customers can pay with cash in advance, PayPal (in EUR only), invoice or payment by credit card.

Individuals can pay with cash in advance or PayPal (in EUR only). Individuals are those who do not indicate a VAT ID.

Can I define a layer stack-up?

Unfortunately not. Since we are pooling we are not able to offer specific customer stack-ups.In our pooling system different layers can be combined by creating blind layers. If you need a specific stack-up, please ask us. In this case, the normal distribution channel can certainly submit an offer.

Country-specific terms and conditions apply, depending on your billing address.

The respective valid terms and conditions are displayed in the ordering process of printed circuit boards and stencils. Here you can find allonline terms and conditions for download.