FAQ: Data Formats


With our CAM Systems we are able to handle all current Data formats. Additional we have some CAD Tools in use to work with the data directly from your systems.

CAD Tools
  • Eagle (up to version 9.6.0)
  • TARGET 3001! (www.ibfriedrich.com)
  • GC PrevuePlus (www.graphicode.com)
  • Altium Designer (up to version 20)  (www.altium.com)
  • Design Spark (www.DesignSpark.com)


  • GC Prevue 


PCB Data 
  • ODB++ Version 6.1
  • Gerber 274
  • Gerber 274x 


To avoid further inquiries it is necessary that we receive complete and well defined data.

Altium Designer (up to version 20)

We will use the following layer allocation list. Please send us together with your data an information if there are differences.

Layer Name Extension  Description WEdirekt Name 
 G1, G2, etc.   Mid-Layer 1, 2 , etc.   L2, L3, etc. 
GBL Bottom Layer  RS
GBO Bottom Overlay  SERS
GBP Bottom Paste-Mask  PASTE-RS 
GBS Bottom Solder Mask  LSMRS
GD1, GD2, etc.  Drill-Drawing (Bohrplan)  PLAN1, PLAN2, etc. 
GG1, GG2, etc  Drill Guide (DK/NDK-Bohrungen and DK Slots)  BOHR1
GKO Keep Out Layer   
GM1, GM2, etc  Mechanical Layer 1, 2, etc. (incl. cut-outs and slots) KONTUR
INFO2, INFO3, etc. 
GP1, GP2, etc.  Internal Plane Layer 1, 2, etc.  L2, L3, etc 
GPB Pad Master Bottom   
GPT Pad Master Top  
GTL Top Layer  VS
GTO Top Overlay  SEVS
GTP Top Paste Mask  PASTE-VS 
GTS Top Solder Mask LSMVS
P01, P02, etc  Gerber Panels  
APR Aperture-File Aperturetable (RS274X) 
APT Aperture-File Aperturetable (RS274D)


EAGLE(up to version 9.6.0)

The Eagle CAD Software has a modul to export PCB datas. There is a configuration for the export of different design- and mechanical layers.

We provide various DRU files for EAGLE for you to download.

If we don’t get any further information with your order we use the following settings.


EAGLE No. EAGLE Name Description WEdirekt Name
Top-Layer  VS
Bottom-Layer  RS
29 tStop Soldermask Top LSMVS
30 bStop Soldermask Bottom LSMRS
21 tPlace Servicedruck Top SEVS
22 bPlace Silkscreen Bottom SERS
25 tNames Silkscreen Top SEVS
26 bNames Silkscreen Bottom SERS
31 tCream Pastemask Top PASTE-VS 
32 bCream Pastemask Bottom  PASTE-RS
44 Drills PTH-Drills  BOHR1
45 Holes NPTH-Drills BOHR2
46 Milling DK-Slots/ cutout Milling
47 Measures dimensioning Plan
48 Document Information, scoring lines  Info Lage
2 GND/PWR Innerlayer 2 (neg) L2A01
Innerlayer 2  L2A01
3 GND/PWR  Innerlayer 3 (neg) L3A01
Innerlayer 3  L3A01
4 GND/PWR  Innerlayer 4 (neg)  L4A02
Innerlayer 4  L4A02
5 GND/PWR Innerlayer 5 (neg) L5A02
Innerlayer 5 L5A02
6  GND/PWR Innenlage 6 (neg) L6A03
Innerlayer 6  L6A03
7 GND/PWR  Innerlayer 7 (neg)  L7A03
Innerlayer 7  L7A03
20 Dimension PCB-Contour, cutouts, scoring lines  KONTUR

In the standard settings, Eagle is using octogonal pads which can lead to a false interpretation in other systems. To avoid such difficulties we use round pads instead.

Please always activate the vector font in your Eagle settings. This is necessary to make sure that your script is shown correctly. Please find more information’s about the script in your Eagle Help with the keyword “vector font”.

Gerber RS274

The Gerber format was originally used for the control of photo plotters. Such systems had a light source with a shutter over a so called aperture wheel, a disk with different openings in form and size. While moving the plotter table the shutter was open or closed, the light through the aperture wheel opening exposed the film.Today the photo plotters are replaced by laser plotters.

According to this kind of usage the Gerber format is a list of coordinates together with the information for the shutter mode and the position on the aperture wheel, the d-codes. There is no description for the form or size of the openings in the aperture wheel. Therefore a separate aperture file is needed, where the openings are described (see example).


Example for an aperture file  Example for a Gerber file 
D11 round 4 G54D10* 
D12 round 8  X0000Y0000D01* 
D13 square 4  X0000Y1000D02* 
D14 square 8  X1000Y1000D02* 


Datatype Description
Design layers  One file per layer 
Contour Different files for the single PCB and the delivery panel if there is one format it should be gerber 
Drill data  Different files for PTH/NPTH/sequential PTH
drill diameter defined in the file header
format should be Excellon or Sieb&Meyer 
Aperture description  Please add the aperture file to the data set 
Compression All data specified above should be compressed in a ZIP File. It’ s helpful if the Zip file name corresponds to the project name.

Gerber RS274x

The launch of the extended Gerber format (RS274x) was a big step forward for the whole industry. All the aperture wheel information is part of the layer file and new aperture forms and sizes are possible.Positive and negative elements can be handled within one file. Example for an Extended Gerber-File


Data type  Description
Design layers  One file per layer
Contour Different files for the single PCB and the delivery panel if there is one format it should be gerber 
Drill data Different files for PTH/NPTH/sequential PTH
drill diameter defined in the file header
format should be Excellon or Sieb&Meyer
Compression All data specified above should be compressed in a ZIP File. It’ s helpful if the Zip file name corresponds to the project name 


The format allows an optimized data exchange between design and manufacturing.

No delays in the pre production/engineering because of a well aligned data set for printed circuit board manufacturing within ODB++.

Improved quality hence there is no room for misinterpretations in the data set. Data formats like RS274X where various dialects are possible, can cause different results on different CAM systems.

The output of the layout data in ODB++ will reduce the amount of data while extensive filling of surfaces with vectors can be avoided in this format.

ODB++ is a fully expandable ASCII data format with the following advantages:


  • All datas are included in one file.
  • There is a exact description of the graphical data. No unnecessary filling of copper areas or pads with special forms which have to be modified/optimized by the pcb manufacturer.
  • To describe elements attributes may be assigned.
  • It is possible to forward the CAD netlist for usage in the Printed circuit board manufacturing process.
  • The format contains a description for the naming convention and the board built up.
  • ODB++ can handle in the drill and rout layers the information for plated/unplated elements as well as the depth together with the layer connection.
  • Notes can be attached to layers or elements like a digital usage of post it.

TARGET 3001!

We will use the following layer allocation list. Please send us together with your data an information if there are differences.


Target No. Target Name Description WEdirekt Name
16 Copper Top  Top-Layer  VS
15 Deletion Top  Top-Layer  VS
14 Area Top  Top-Layer  VS
2 Copper Bottom Bottom-Layer  RS
18 Soldermask Top Soldermask Top  LSMVS
4 Soldermask Bottom  Soldermask Bottom LSMRS
21 Position Top  Silkscreen Top  SEVS
7 Position Bottom Silkscreen Bottom  SERS
19 Solder Paste Top  Solder Paste Top PASTE-VS 
5 Solder Paste Bottom  Solder Paste Bottom  PASTE-RS 
24 Drill hole  PTH/NPTH-Drills and PTH slots  BOHR1
13 Copper inside  Innerlayer 2  L2A00
12 Deletion inside  Innerlayer 2  L2A00
11 Area inside Innerlayer 2  L2A00
10 Copper inside  Innerlayer 3  L3A00
9 Deletion inside  Innerlayer 3  L3A00
8 Area inside Innerlayer 3  L3A00
23 Outline PCB-Contour, cut outs and slots  KONTUR

The copper layer in Target 3001 always consists of three layers

  • Layer copper contains the tracks
  • Layer area contains ground areas
  • Layer delete contains surfaces around the tracks (to check distances)

Layer Description

Find here the layer description and nomenclature used by Würth Elektronik. To get a larger view of the image, click on the graphic.